Tuesday, April 22, 2014

When abused SD, Student's Report Once in junior high school teacher

Police station Kutai , East Kalimantan , set an individual elementary school teachers in the District of Muara Kaman as a suspect case of pedophiles . Kutai district police chief Assistant Commissioner Abdul Karim said the initials JL individual teachers were reported by a junior high school student initials Fr claiming to be victims of abuse while he was attending third grade elementary school .

" Person of the teachers have been secured since yesterday (Monday ) in Muara Kaman and the police today (Tuesday ) we set as suspects . Due to this case is notable cases , especially child victims under age , I order that the investigations carried out in the Police , " Abdul said when contacted on Tuesday ( 22/04/2014 ) night .

Detention and JL determination as a suspect , he added , based on reports the victim with evidence and testimony of witnesses .

" This case was reported to the victim's parents yesterday (Monday ) , and individual teachers pedophiles alleged perpetrator was arrested. According to a report by parents of victims as well as added evidence statements of witnesses , then JL indicated sexual harassment . However , we can not conclude with certainty because there has been no further information from the suspect , " he said .

" Tomorrow (Wednesday ) will be an examination of the suspect . Unscrupulous teachers are charged under Article sexual abuse and the Child Protection Act , " he added .
Police also could not confirm the alleged sexual abuse committed individual teachers takes place when the victim was sitting in class III SD .

" We have not been able to conclude a new reason to get further information from victims and witnesses , and we certainly uphold the presumption of innocence , " said Abdul .

Separately , Chief Executive of Integrated Service Centre for Women and Children ( P2TP2A ) Rinda Kutai Desianti justify pedophilia cases involving individual elementary school teachers in the District of Muara Kaman .

However , in contrast to the description of Kutai Police Chief , the case , said Rinda Desianti , the victim 's parents have been reported to the Police Muara Kaman since 8 April 2014 .

"The case has been reported since 8 April , then I check to Children's Units Kutai Police on 9 April 2014 and confirmed that the case had been handled Police Muara Kaman , " said Rinda Desianti .

The victim , he continued , was sexually assaulted while in grade III SD . The victim is now in the seventh grade junior high school one in Muara Kaman .
( Read: suara burung pleci )

" Based on the information from our volunteers in Muara Kaman , the peace efforts of the case , and we strongly oppose these efforts because of the impact of pedophilia cases of trauma and bad incident for the victim , and also can lead to the perception that pedophilia was not doing anything because could be mediated , "said Rinda .


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